“Porch pirates” are common at all times of the year and more so since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic. After surveying over 1,000 Americans, ValuePenguin found that “nearly 1 in 5 consumers have been victims of porch piracy amid the coronavirus crisis.” We can infer that since the start of the pandemic, more people have been ordering their products online. With more online purchases, thieves know their opportunities are greater.
Members of Gen-Z, Millennials, and Gen X have taken the hardest hit as far as frequency, but older adults and seniors have suffered the biggest losses.
That’s why it’s imperative for homeowners and renters alike to take some additional measures in protecting their goods. You can start taking action today with these tools and tips.
Best tools and tech to protect your packages
These devices and tools that can help keep your deliveries safe. They may even help you catch the culprit in the event of a grab-and-run.
- Outdoor security cameras. For maximum theft deterrence, make sure your outdoor security cameras are highly visible and clearly pointed at the package drop-off area.
- Video doorbells. Video doorbells are lower profile than security cameras, so they aren’t as effective as theft deterrents. However, they have perks that could still make them a good choice for your home, such as motion activation, easy installation, multifunctional features and a unique vantage point that’s more likely to catch a thief’s identity than an overhead camera.
- Package lockboxes. These can be installed near or in conjunction with your mailbox. While even a non-locking parcel box prevents theft by concealing your deliveries from the street, choose a lockable container for maximum security. Some lockbox styles, such as the Elephantrunk Dropbox, have a slot for easy drop-offs but require a key for retrieval. With boxes that remain locked, USPS will work with you to ensure your delivery person has access. You must also communicate delivery instructions to FedEx and UPS drivers.
- Use an Amazon Locker: If you purchase from Amazon, you can use an Amazon Locker at one of their many locations across the U.S. It’s easy — all you’ll need to do is select a locker at checkout for shipping. There’s no fee, and when your package is ready, you’ll get a passcode that you can use to retrieve it.
- Home security window and yard signs. Signs advertising your home security system could be enough to scare off a thief. If you’re still saving up for a system, consider posting faux signs. It’s also possible to purchase used “real” security signs online. It’s no substitute for an actual security system, but many porch pirates aren’t highly refined thieves. They’re simply looking for a quick way to make money and an adrenaline rush.
If you decide to purchase a home security system or camera, you’ll want to be sure that you have access to mobile alerts.
Package theft protection basics
Remember that many thieves are opportunists. They’re on the hunt for easy targets. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to prevent package theft is not to allow packages to sit outside for too long. These measures can help:
- Have your packages delivered elsewhere, such as your place of employment, an Amazon delivery site, P.O. box, or FedEx/UPS location. It’s well worth the minor inconvenience to ensure your packages are safe.
- Request that deliveries require a signature. With carriers like FedEx or UPS, you can often set this preference using your customer account, even if the package is already on its way. In other cases, such as USPS deliveries, you will need to arrange for a signature ahead of time.
- Subscribe to delivery alerts. All of the major delivery services offer some kind of notification service for package updates. Opt in to receive the most up-to-date information available.
- Keep the area around your front porch clear and visible. This is a burglary prevention tip often shared by police officers. Thieves want to be able to get to and from your doorstep undetected. When they’re likely to be seen, they’re more likely to choose another target.
- Request nondescript packaging. When possible, ask senders not to announce where the package is coming from, especially if it’s from a high-end store. Sometimes this is possible through requesting a gift shipping option. Check the box labeled “Gift” to ensure your package comes in a plain box.
Courtesy of Safety.com https://www.safety.com/how-to-prevent-porch-package-theft/