To obtain a gun permit in Indiana, you must meet the following criteria:
You must be 18 years of age.
You must be a resident of Indiana.
The applications must now be completed electronically https://firearms.ariesportal.com/App/NewUser.asp
*The state fee can be paid online upon the completion of the application.
Updated March 1, 2023
Additional Fees:
All NEW License applications incur a $12.95 fee IDEMIA Electronic Fingerprinting. Additionally, ALL license applications incur a IN.GOV processing fee that varies acording to the license type††.
FAQ for firearms: https://secure.in.gov/isp/2829.htm
Did you know…?
On July 1, 2022, the State of Indiana became a constitutional carry state. This means a permit is no longer legally required to carry, conceal, or transport a handgun within the state. This DOES NOT allow everyone to carry a handgun as Indiana law contains certain criteria which must be met for a person to legally carry within the state. HEA 1296-2022
A permit is not needed to carry a handgun inside the person’s dwelling or on his property of fixed place of business.
If a permit is needed while you are carrying the handgun, you need the permit in your possession.
An Indiana handgun permit is recognized in Michigan, if you are an Indiana resident.
A Michigan handgun permit is recognized in Indiana, if you are a Michigan resident.
I.C. 35-47-2-21(b) says “Licenses to carry handguns, issued by other states or foreign countries, will be recognized according to the terms thereof but only while the holders are not residents of Indiana.”
The law allows the carry of the handgun concealed or in the open. However, it is recommended that prudence and safety always be followed when carrying any firearm.
If you are carrying a firearm and are challenged by a law enforcement officer, you should always obey every command. Remember, the officer does not know whether you intend to harm or not.
Effective July 1, 2001, IC 35-47-2-3 is amended to require that if the holder of the valid license (permit) to carry a handgun changes their name or address, the person must notify the superintendent of state police in writing within sixty (60) days of the change.
You cannot renew your gun permit prior to 30 days before the permit expires.
That 1 in 15 Indiana residents has a permit for a gun. According to the Indianapolis Star, Indiana ranks second in the country for the number of permits. New York state is first.